Every Building Tells a Story

Every building has its own style and personality. Think of some of the first things that hit you when you see or visit a building. Is it the architecture, age, lighting, aesthetics, materials, safety or surroundings? Does it arouse your senses in a positive and negative way?  A building's personality, character and design can often reflect the type of tenant’s it attracts. For example, modern office amenities like open spaces, high ceilings, wifi, internet cafes and lots of natural light may bring tech or creatives.  Awareness of what the building calls out to prospects is very important for the buildings marketability. Have you ever walked into a building where the vibe or feeling you get makes you want to leave and brings you down?  Little things like, clean lobbies, warm welcome entrances, clean windows, acoustics, fresh smells and artwork can say a lot about the management and the brand the ownership wants to portray.  It's amazing how so why many building owners want 100% occupancy but are not paying attention to the details necessary to nurture the story they want to tell about the building. Building owners that think through every angle on improving the customer experience will have no problem filling vacancies. Word of mouth and buzz alone will take care of keeping the building occupied with great tenants.   

Source: Tony Casalena, CCIM, Harbor Stone Advisors Commercial Group  

Tony Casalena, CCIM