Improve Your Tenant’s Experience

Business owners have always tried to improve the customer experience to appeal to shoppers and drive sales. This may also apply to building owners that aim to improve the tenant experience. A pleasant work environment with a “feel good” vibe brings more value to the building. It also improves marketability for attracting new tenants. Property owners should be making decisions every day to create a particular experience and make a distinct impression. Why?

Tenants today have many options. They normally seek out space and surroundings that compliments their business image and utilization needs. They can go next door, down the street or even online to find what they are looking for, so the customer experience becomes a key differentiating factor to attract tenants and foster loyalty.

The look and feel of the building, the atmosphere, the vibe it presents or overall “cool” factor all play into the type of tenants it will attract. Want to create a more positive mood? How about adding music to common areas and visuals with rhythm and motion using digital signage, maybe even add an invigorating scent. This could all be part of your office, lobby or location décor. You will be amazed how much this differentiates your property.

Source: Tony Casalena, CCIM, Harbor Stone Advisors Commercial Group

Tony Casalena, CCIM