Leading Trends Shaping Commercial Real Estate Industry

The commercial real estate industry is conventionally slow to adapt innovation and new forward thinking practices. Practitioner’s today have no choice but to pay attention and embrace what’s going on around them, or be left in the dust. Many of these emerging trends are shaping a new “leading edge” twist to the industry. This is creating benefits across a broad spectrum of the business from, brokerage to “Better Buildings”:  

Leading Trends

Use of social media to effectively market properties.

Open market strategies – Using the internet and web marketing services for maximum exposure.  

Re-purposing buildings and vacant space to highest and best use applications.  

Green and Better Building initiatives, Energy Star and LEED to improve efficiencies.   

Sustainable, open office work place designs to improve employee productivity.  

Valuations normalized to actual and not pro-forma financials.

Web- based rent collection and receivables, invoice management and payables processing.

High speed access technologies to enhance amenities in commercial properties.

Cooperative Commerical Brokerage – Sharing commissions and working in the best interest of the client.

Creative use of common space in buildings to enhance social interactions.  


Source: Tony Casalena, CCIM  

Tony Casalena, CCIM