The New Workspace

Not everyone has the space and luxury of providing another Googleplex with volleyball courts, gyms, lap pools, bowling alleys, slides and climbing walls. So what can you do if you have limited space and want to promote a collaborative and cool workspace reflective of your company culture? First, define your mission and what you want your culture to be. It's about more than just saying the words - do the people believe in the words? What matters most to the company and does it reflect what the employees care about? Is the workspace highly interactive brimming with color, accents and energy? Many buildings offer common building amenities as an extension to your useable space. This benefits the tenant by not requiring as much office space and reduces rent cost. Some useful amenities may include: cafes, micro-kitchens, small conference rooms and outdoor terraces. The building could offer use of a gym, places to store bicycles and provide dedicated common space to chill. The workspace should promote creativity and adaptability with the work function performed. Envision actual situations or experiences that will happen in the desired space, and look for accommodations to compliment your uses.

Tony Casalena, CCIM